Ski resorts in New Zealand use Lifttrax mats.
As early as December 2018, initial work began on installing new chairlifts at New Zealand's two ski resorts, Mt. Hutt and TheRemarkables, to open in time for the start of the season in June 2019.
Early deliveries of LiftTrax mats in white and red were made to Queenstown. A distance of over 18,200 km was traveled. The journey was carried out by the forwarding company Schenker. First from the production in Germany by truck to Hamburg. Then from Hamburg by ship container to Christchurch, further it went by truck in each case to Mt. Hutt and Queestown. A good 6-8 weeks must be calculated in for the long journey. Because delays in customs, loading and unloading of the cargo must always be expected.
The installations at the lift entrances could still be completed in time before the first snowfall of the new season. This is because the first heavy snowstorm hit the South Island of New Zealand early in June 2019.
UPDATE - Berichte von Lifteinstiegen, Liftausstiegen, Transferzonen