Blog Post

Skitrax World • 18. Juni 2023

Current Future - Alpine amusement parks in the cities

Slopestyle Park Slopetrax Gleitmatten

Winter sports as an attractive year-round offer.

Will there soon be alpine theme parks near major cities?

It would be feasible in
Zuerich, Hamburg, Vienna, Paris or Milan, but also in Singapore, Djakarta, Beijing, Los Angeles, Nairobi, Saigon and Santiago de Chile. 

When the snow is replaced by Skitrax sliding mats, nothing stands in the way of sliding, carving, gliding, lifting, drifting.


Skiing and snowboarding can be learned all year round in

ski schools for children and adults. for children and adults.

Alpine ski clubs set their gate poles for the young racers

 to learn slalom and giant slalom. Spectacular slopestyle events

are celebrated on different obstacles. 

Cross-country skiing tracks for fitness and as a competitive sport like biathlon. 


Fast-paced tubing tracks with straights and curves stretch

in the mountainous terrain between trees and tunnels.

Short or long tubing tracks can be created depending on the target group.

Themed landscapes with dinosaurs, funny characters from

film and cinema productions can be and cinema productions

can be temporarily adapted to individual needs and increase the attraction.


In Ice-Karting parks, go-karts slide and drift through the curves as if on ice. Through indoor & outdoor operation, the facility can be operated regardless of the weather.


Freestyle water parks for recreational and competitive athletes

by jumping into the water with skis, bikes, skateboards, tubes and body sliding! 

High recreational attractiveness has areas with longest slide or tubing tracks

 that slide through a tunnel into the water.

Current Future - Welcome to the present.

Everything is possible and not only reserved for the mountainous areas, which have cold with minus degrees in winter and operate with snow such facilities (winter ski resorts).

This new type of amusement parks in year-round operation should offer the attractions that are otherwise possible only on snow. It should bring to a wide mass of the population in the snowless or warmer cities and countries these attractive activities that are otherwise only possible on snow. The ECO plastic mats are made from over 80% recycled raw material and are 100% recyclable and reusable for new mats! Other additions to these recreational facilities would be climbing wall, zip liner, skating rinks, skidoo, etc.

Skitrax World - Where snow is missing

UPDATE - Berichte von anderen Installationen

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Skitrax World - UPDATE - Neuheiten - News

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Kommentar zum Artikel im DER SPIEGEL Ausgabe 6 / 2025 vom 01.02.2025 (von Maik Großekathöfer). Commentary on the article in DER SPIEGEL issue 6 / 2025 from 01/02/2025 (by Maik Großekathöfer)
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