Blog Post

Skitraxworld • 12. Dezember 2021

Vynnyky alpine dry slope area grows together

Privat Slopestyle Park Slopetrax Gleitmatten

Final phase of installation.

It was already an ambitious plan to build the biggest mat ski slope and tubing track in Europe within about 6 months. Everything was to be ready by the time the first snow came in December. A total of 15 truck loads brought all the material to Lviv (Ukraine). Almost 400,000 pcs. Tubtrax and Slopetrax sliding mats were delivered. Additional tons of drainage fleece (DSDF)  for wastewater control, stopping carpets for the tubing lanes, over 70,000 soil nails for ground stabilization and 300 EpicTubing tires. 

"Just in time" everything was delivered and expertly installed by 10-20 local workers. As early as May, the managing director of Skitrax Word, Wolfgang Schmidt, traveled to Lviv to conduct several days of training with the staff on proper installation.

In addition to the installation of the mat areas, other work was carried out in parallel in the new ski area. A new restaurant was built at the top station of the new Doppelmayr 4-seater chairlift. This construction required some unplanned earthworks, which meant that some larger mat areas had to be dismantled again. With a high work rate, these gaps are now being closed. 

Soon the flooding of the large lake in front of the ski area will take place, because the water from the lake will also be used for the snow making system. In the next few weeks, more equipment will be completed, so that when it is cold enough, the first snow can be produced. Its premiere will then experience the two alpine mat ski slopes and the tubing track with its 7 tracks in the spring of 2022, when the snow has melted.

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