

Kart sensation: now sliding & drifting

The innovation for outdoor and indoor operation: sliding and drifting with go-karts - all year round! Instead of asphalt tracks, the new KartTrax sliding mats are used for sensitive driving. Whether with petrol or electric karts, sliding and drifting works on the mats and you feel the play of lateral forces. Perfect, sporty entertainment even in cities, on beaches or in ski resorts for summer use. Fun for the whole family - anywhere in the world.

Kart tracks
Sliding & drifting like professional

The innovation for outdoor and indoor use: Sliding and drifting with go-karts - all year round!

Motorsport is popular all over the world. With the new KartTrax sliding mats, drifting and sliding are now added. It is driven like on an asphalt track, the drivers can now drift and slide perfectly through the curves on the mats. Karts with petrol or electric motors can be used.

You can KartTrax also use individually. Stick them together, lay them on the ground (whether it's grass, cement, asphalt or marble), secure the sides of the tracks with buoys and the karts are ready to go. Dismantling is just as quick as assembly - and everything is clean as before. Ideal for indoor shopping centers or events.

If the ground is made of sand or grass, we have a special fleece (DSDF) that completely covers the entire area.

Our newly developed "Dry Slope Drain Fleece" (DSDF) is placed neatly on the base and no dirt or small stones come onto the KartTrax track.

Perfect, sporty entertainment in cities, on beaches or ski areas for summer use. Fun for the whole family - anywhere in the world. On request, we can also deliver an offer with a complete kart system with petrol or electric karts, support station, circuit, floodlights and the safety limits.

  • Special mats for the kart tracks
  • Various colors available
  • Driving like on icy surface
  • Usable for petrol and electric karts
  • Drift and slide like the pros
  • Can be used all year round
  • Minor wear
  • Can be installed on any floor
  • The attraction for shopping centers or leisure parks
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UPDATE - News about kart facilities for sliding & drifting
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Die Kart Sensation: jetzt Sliden & Driften ohne Eis. The kart sensation: now sliding & drifting without ice
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6 Kontinente - über 50 Länder - über 2000 Kunden / 6 continents - over 50 countries - over 2000 customers.
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By Skitrax World August 2, 2024
Silikon frei - biologisch abbaubar - wasserabweisend - umweltfreundlich. Silicone-free - biodegradable - water-repellent - environmentally friendly.
Sliding - Carving - Gliding - Lifting - Drifting - skitrax world
By Skitraxworld May 25, 2024
We offer year-round attractions. "Where snow is missing": Under this motto, Skitrax sells attractions based on plastic mats. The company's ideas are suitable for every season. Ice-karting, water jumps, tubing tracks - these are just three of the numerous attractions offered by the German company SKITRAX WORLD to ski resorts and tourist offices. Based on plastic mats, the company is already sending out impulses for sustainable summer and winter tourism in 50 countries. Mountain railroads need to get into the entertainment and amusement business to be successful all year round. Especially the slope style and youth scene is neglected too much in summer. Reason enough to introduce the four pillars of the company. Professional skiing on plastic mats - that is the classic of Skitrax World. Whether alpine skiing, slopestyle, freestyle or water jumps - skiing is in season with us all year round.
2022 - Rutschen - Carven - Gleiten - Liften - Driften
By Skitraxworld May 25, 2024
Wir bieten ganzjährige Attraktionen. „Dort wo Schnee fehlt“: Unter diesem Motto vertreibt Skitrax Attraktionen auf Basis von Kunststoffmatten. Die Ideen des Unternehmens eignen sich dabei für jede Jahreszeit. Mattenskigebiete, Ice-Karting, Wasserschanzen, Tubing-Bahnen – das sind nur vier von zahlreichen Attraktionen, die das deutsche Unternehmen SKITRAX WORLD Skigebieten und Tourismusämtern anbietet. Auf der Basis von Kunststoffmatten sendet die Firma bereits in 50 Ländern Impulse für einen zukunftsfähigen Sommer- und Wintertourismus aus. „Bergbahnen müssen in das Entertainment- und Amusement-Geschäft einsteigen, um ganzjährig erfolgreich zu sein. Besonders die Slopestyle- und Jugendszene wird im Sommer zu sehr vernachlässigt. Grund genug, die vier Säulen des Unternehmens einmal vorzustellen. Professionelles Skifahren auf Kunststoffmatten – das ist der Klassiker von Skitrax World. Ob alpines Skifahren, Slopestyle, Freestyle oder Wasserschanzen – der Skisport hat mit uns das ganze Jahr Saison.
Impulse, Strategie, Ski, Tub, Water, Kart - Skitrax world
By Skitraxworld March 15, 2024
Wir bieten ganzjährige Attraktionen. „Dort wo Schnee fehlt“: Unter diesem Motto vertreibt Skitrax Attraktionen auf Basis von Kunststoffmatten. Die Ideen des Unternehmens eignen sich dabei für jede Jahreszeit.
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  • what is planned
  • where is planned
  • when to install.
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