

Whether it's a long Tubtrax tubing track of 200 m or more or a smaller track of just 30 m in length, each tubing track is built differently. In some tubing tracks, the tubes start from a steep starting gate and are stopped abruptly at the end.
The solution: "Plug-in break"pads

Some tubing tracks are very long and undulating, with the terrain becoming increasingly flatter. Sometimes you lack the speed - a push would be just right.
The solution: "Plug-in Speed" pads

The innovation for a safe and fast Tubtrax tubing track.
Plug-in-Break (PIB)
Stopping tubing tires

The most important thing is a safe tubing track. A critical point is to stop the tubing tire safely after a fast ride. Our specially developed Plug-in break (PIB) pads, are simply inserted offset into the diamond system.

They can be easily and simply pressed into the diamonds of the Skitrax mats, protrude about 5 mm (see pictures) and lock themselves firmly into the rhombus system. Depending on the speed of the tube, more or fewer "PIBs" used cause the tubing tires to stop earlier or later.

Depending on the braking force required, the braking pads can be used in small or large areas. At least 9 pads are required per meter of length - 1 pad per mat.

This method is a safe, simple, clean and flexible solution. The tubes can be braked faster or slower depending on their speed.

  • Simply insert into the rhombus system
  • Easy to remove again
  • Desired braking force can be adjusted
  • Professional solution
  • Subsequent installation in all Tubtrax tracks

Plug-in-Speed (PIS)
Acceleration of tubing tires

Customers have built Tubtrax tubing tracks several hundred meters long. Undulating tracks are a lot of fun, but they also reduce the speed of the tubing tire. With the new Plug-in Speed (PIS)pads give the tubing tire a powerful boost.

The pads, made of high-quality HDPE plastic, are simply clicked into the diamonds of the mats, protrude about 5 mm (see pictures) and log themselves into the diamonds. Depending on the desired speed of the tubing tires, more or fewer pads are inserted into the diamonds of each mat.

Depending on the braking force required, the braking pads can be used in small or large areas. At least 9 pads are required per meter of length - 1 pad per mat.

This method is a safe, simple, clean and flexible solution. This allows the tubing tires to be accelerated as desired.

Safe braking or stopping is ensured by the Plug-in break pads!

  • Simply insert into the rhombus system
  • Easy to remove again
  • Regulate the desired speed yourself
  • Professional solution
  • Subsequent installation in all Tubtrax tracks

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  • what is planned
  • where planning is taking place
  • when to install.
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