Slide Liquid

Slide Liquid

The environmentally friendly aspect was very important to us during development. With our environmentally friendly lubricant Slide Liquid, the friction between skis or tubes and our plastic mats is significantly reduced. This contributes to a significant increase in the service life of the mats, especially in the case of heavy use. This lubricant is intended for tubing tracks, dry ski slopes and Ice-Karting track.

Slide Liquid
Eco-friendly lubricant

Our tubing runs and mat ski areas can basically be operated without the addition of water or lubricants.

After long research with a corresponding development time, we have succeeded in developing an environmentally friendly lubricant for tubing tracks, mat ski slopes and water jumps etc. This lubricant significantly reduces the friction between skis or tubes and our plastic mats.

Silicone free - biodegradable
water-repellent - Eco-friendly

It can even be used indoors because the liquid corresponds to the fire protection class "non-flammable".

Slide Liquid is water-repellent, making it ideal for outdoor use for tubing, skiing and karting.

Simply spread the liquid on a fleece carpet at the starting area so that every tuber or skier glides over it with their sports equipment and thus distributes the liquid over the mat surface. The lubricant is not subject to labeling according to the current CLP regulation and is not hazardous to water.

Delivery in canisters of different sizes: 5, 20, 50 liters.

NEW: Ski Wax
We also supply special wax for alpine mat skiing and Nordic cross-country skiing. It is applied to the running surface with an iron or with a special waxing device. This makes the running surfaces of the skis optimally prepared for fast gliding and good turning on any type of gliding mat.
  • Eco-friendly lubricant
  • No silicone
  • Created on a natural basis
  • Significant reduction in friction
  • Tough substance remains on the nubs for a long time
  • Reduction of operating costs
  • Water repellent
  • Transport in a robust canister

UPDATE - Slide Liquid among customers
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Weitere Beiträge

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We would be happy to send you further information.
Let us know (if possible) exactly
  • what is planned
  • where is planned
  • when to install.
Then we can also make a concrete offer.
Many Thanks.

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